I’m Tina McDermott, The lazy inspirational chef, speaker and weight loss coach for 22 + years.
Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer?
1 in 38 will pass away from breast cancer?
This weekend marks the 10th year anniversary of my gorgeous older sister Anna’s passing from breast cancer, which she survived for 24 years.
My inspiration and love of wellness began from Anna, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 23, which ultimately took her at the age of 48.
Anna’s illness and suffering was a wakeup call for me to learn more about how to take better care of myself and help others as well.
Meet My Sister Anna

The great news is that there are 3.1 million survivors.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and this week in the VIP menopause support group I’ll be live every day chatting about:
· Prevention
· Risk factors
· Detection
and how nutrition and healthy lifestyle play such a crucial role in all of this.
Get ready to be inspired to live a life that is healthy, vibrant and free and join me this week in the VIP group.
I’m truly looking forward to seeing you in the group and maybe I’ll even do a zoom live with everyone.
Tremendous love and hugs ~ Tina McDermott
Join the VIP Menopause Support Group so that you can receive weekly newsletters filled with menopause support as well as education within the group.