Did you ever look at the perfectly stacked tower of books in your home office and snap, throwing them to the floor? How dare they be so neat and tidy when the rest of my world is a chaotic storm of uncontrollable emotions?

Now you feel your cheeks burn as a wave of fury rises in you. Picking up the whole stack, you hurl them at the wall. There is an almighty crash, the book shelves shatter and the paint on the walls are now scratched.

Your immediate thought is ‘That feels better’, swiftly followed by: ‘That’s not normal at all. I couldn’t think of anything I’d been angry about.’
But, in that moment you felt absolute rage.

So what had made you so angry? You didn’t have a ferocious temper and hadn’t had a stressful day. Instead, it was the menopause.

While the physical effects of the change are known, the mental ones are less well understood – and often devastating.

Sixty per cent of menopausal women have experienced hormonal changes that made them behave differently or had a detrimental effect on their life, with uncharacteristic, irrational anger a common symptom. They report being more annoyed, anxious and snapping easily.

Women often aren’t expecting the psychological and mood symptoms. They think it’s just about flushes and sweats, so it can be shocking and confusing.

Anger and rage can be overwhelming feelings that make people feel terrible. They can be hard to control, but talking about them with supportive family and friends can make things better.

Symptoms Of Menopause That Can Cause Anger

Menopause symptoms and other contributing factors such as stress, fatigue, and lack of sleep can cause rage.
Hot flashes, depression, and low sex drive can also trigger feelings of anger and irritability.

You should try to understand the reasons behind your anger and what you can do to deal with it. Talk to people who care about you about your feelings.

Start having honest conversations about what you want during this life stage to make you happy and healthy.

How To Deal With Anger In Menopause

There are many different methods used to treat menopause symptoms including hormonal therapies, antidepressants, cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture, yoga, exercise, massage, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and other natural methods.

Menopausal women should be aware of their hormones and how they affect them, because stressful situations may increase the risk of developing depression during this time period.

Mindfulness and other techniques can help reduce stress and irritability. Exercise and creative outlets can also help.

Final Thoughts

It is no secret that menopause is a challenging phase of life for women everywhere. However, there are many things you can do to help improve your experience of menopause and to manage your anger levels in healthy ways.

Anger management can be difficult, and you are bound to have some difficult moments throughout the significant hormonal, physical and mental changes you will undergo.

As a member of our VIP Menopause Group, you are part of a great support system. You are not alone in your menopausal journey.

Your Menopause Support Group Advocacy Team is comprised of women who are all your menopause sisters. We totally ‘get it’ and wrote a book to help you navigate the stormy waters of menopause.
“Before, During and After Menopause” is a resource guide to help you “cruise through menopause with grace, gratitude, confidence and ease. Each chapter is specifically written with YOU IN MIND.

Click Here to purchase the book.

By incorporating the suggestions from the book into your lifestyle, you’ll be able to make the most of this transition and ease any unpleasant emotions.

Please let us know how we can further support you. We’re all in this together.

Join the VIP Menopause Support Group so that you can receive weekly newsletters filled with menopause support as well as education within the group.

Have you taken the Menopause Assessment?

The first step in connecting you with your care provider.